
When it comes to event marketing are you searching for FREE ways to quickly get the word out about your next live event? Do you need a massive crowd for your meet-up, teleseminar, webinar, conference, workshop or seminar?

You bet!

Easy, use social media to jam-pack your next event for free!

Here’s how:

Use high-powered keywords to attract the right people

  • Create a LinkedIn event, before you click on the “Publish Event” button... LinkedIn discontinued this feature
  • Make sure you click on the “Add more details” link to add:
    • a detailed description – the first 300 characters will be displayed to people browsing events
    • up to 20 keywords to help people find your event
    • up to 20 job titles of exact people who should attend
    • Use the event link created on LinkedIn to send tweets

Know your target audience to promote the event directly to them

  • Use the Groupsite directory to discover public groups you can join. You can visit and join public groups in 17 categories from Business to Wellness.
  • Use Eventbrite if your event is free. List your event in the public directory Eventbrite will promote it to all the major search engines. You can easily publish your event to Facebook with just a few clicks.
  • Use Ning’s 1,000,000 million networks to find them in the following categories: Music, Networking, Entertainment, Politics, Art, Education, Causes and sports.

Build a community around your upcoming event

  • Create an event on Facebook start inviting (relevant) people to build your community. Ask your community to
    • Uploaded video shot during the event
    • Post pictures from their camera phone in real-time
    • Use the wall to add comments or testimonials
    • Remember to go back and tag people who attended the event
    • Connect Twitter to Facebook to automatically send event tweets

Let people know by tweeting about it

  • Keep the information going, tweet about the planning of the event
  • Ask questions to attendees and questions to those who are not attending
  • Tweet about your presenters providing their bio, website link, or Twitter handle
  • Create a Twitter list of attendees, speakers, etc. to make it easier to spot their tweets
  • Ask participants to tweet during the event using a unique event-specific hashtag
  • Let people know what to expect by providing a sneak peek at the agenda

After the event continue to engage

  • Keep the buzz going by asking your attendees to complete a survey on Facebook or Twitter
  • Tweet the event testimonials, links to pictures, and video
  • Send tweets when pictures and videos are uploaded to help drive traffic back to the Facebook community

Have you used social media to help promote an event? Tell me about it in the comments below.