Last weekend I had the pleasure of presenting at the third annual Blogalicious Conference. The Blogalicious Weekend Conference is the largest blogging conference celebrating diversity in social media. The three-day event brings together a group of savvy, influential and talented women bloggers to share ideas and inspiration in the context of Web 2.0.
Blogalicious Weekend was launched after three practicing attorneys (Nadia Jones, Nyasha Smith and Stacey Ferguson) and bloggers (they founded that too), realized there was a dearth in the blogosphere when it came to the multicultural voices of women bloggers.
The event was filled with bloggers who are making an impact on the world. The attendees included brand new bloggers, mommy bloggers, food bloggers, travel bloggers, tech bloggers activism bloggers, philanthropy bloggers and even a former TV morning show host turned full-time blogger.
That’s right! Remember Rene Syler from the CBS Early Show? Her highly successful blog Good Enough Mother was born as a result of the book she authored (published by Simon Spotlight Entertainment) in March 2007 “Good Enough Mother: The Perfectly Imperfect Book of Parenting”. Yes, she has been busy blogging!
As Rene delivered her keynote, about her heroism and triumphed journey moving from TV morning show anchor to ambassador for Susan G. Komen for the Cure and a full-time blogger, I noticed a theme in her message. This theme was echoed in my presentation and by the presenter of every workshop I attended.
I’m calling the theme 3 C’s you need to drive website traffic to your blog or website; content, consistency and community.
3 C’s you need to drive website traffic:
1. Content is King
I know you have heard it before and you will hear it again and again. Why? Original, relevant content is regarded as the most important commodity on the internet. It doesn’t matter whether you blog for a big brand, just created your blog yesterday or have been blogging for years, you need content. Content is what will drive website traffic. Fresh content keeps not only your visitors coming back but Google too. Content is internet fuel, without it your website is not moving or growing.
2. Consistency is Queen
Every King needs a Queen. In order to satisfy the King the Queen has to be consistent. Why? Everybody wants content and lots of it. Create a routine, let your visitors know when to expect your new content and stick to the schedule. Post your content on the same day or days at the same time. Your visitors are busy people who need to know exactly when to expect your content. Creating a specific blogging schedule holds you accountable.
3. The Community is your Court
Every King and Queen needs a Court. If you create fresh content consistently you will organically attract a community of like minded visitors interested in your blog posts. Once you become a content creating machine use your community wisely. Listen. The community will tell you what they want all you have to do is listen. And if you listen they will help drive website traffic to your blog (without asking) using word of mouth and social media.
What’s next?
Listen now that you understand the importance of driving traffic with social media, I invite you to check out my FREE ebook, MedSpa Marketing Secrets Blackbook, so you can get 52 ideas (one for each week) on generating compelling content for all your social media platforms without putting a detailed social media plan in place first.
Grab your copy now –>