Have you heard the term keeping up with the Jones’? Well who are the Jones’ and why do we want to keep up with them? The Jones’ are those family, friends, neighbors and colleagues who we construct a fantasy world around. We glorify their lives based on the accumulation of material goods and/or social class.
Have you ever looked at a person in an expensive car or in a custom made suit then think “WOW, that person really has it going on!” Well, we want to keep up with them because we perceive they are happy, healthy, wealthy and wise. These same principals hold true in business.
We hear it all the time “Fake it until you make it!” this is repeated over and over in business. However faking it does not mean like buying a knock-off designer hand bag or a fake high-end watch. Then try to pass it off as the real thing when some asks “Is that real”? Nor does faking it mean to tell lies about your company, products or services.
My definition: Fake it until you make it” (also called “act as if”) is a common mantra that means to imitate confidence so that as the confidence produces success, it will generate real confidence.
Email is one way you can “Fake It Until You Make It”, using technology to propel your small business to the next level!
These 3 tips will INSTANTLY transform the perception of your business:
- Stop using free email services like yourbusiness@juno.com (yahoo, hotmail, gmail, etc.) to contact current and perspective customers, conduct business and network. Using your own domain, like info@yourbusiness.com adds credibility to your small business. As an added bonus, you are also promoting your brand.
- Create multiple email accounts like you@yourbusiness.com, sales@yourbusiness.com and media@yourbusiness.com. Your perspective customers will not just see you they will also see your team. As an added bonus, this allows you to organize your emails for quicker response to higher priorities with out sifting through large quantities of emails.
- Use autoresponders to send canned messages. This will instantly add follow up to visitors requesting information from you via email and it is automatically delivered to them within seconds! As an added bonus, this will save you hours of time each week.
The key to really understanding this mantra; fake it until you make, is perception. After all perception is everything. Unlike the Jones’, in business it’s not enough for your clients to perceive success; you have to show them, too.
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Hi Tonya, I love your “act as if” attitude. As a direct result of your teleconference and your blog, I have made many changes to my business. I have added additional email addresses after reading this entry. I’d initially only used two but have adopted an additional two after reading this post. Thanks for your informative posts. Keep ’em coming!