Does your business resolutions list look like these?
1. Measure online traffic
2. Increase follow-up with your prospects/customers
3. Effectively market and advertise
4. Increase online sales
5. Find and keep new customers
Whether you’re hoping to effectively market and advertise or get more online sales, here are 5 tips that will help you stick to your business resolutions beyond January 1st.
Resolution: Measure online traffic
1) Track your customers
You need comprehensive real-time website tracking tools that give you instant access to vital information and data about your site’s audience. Know who your customers are, where they are visiting from, and what pages they view on your website. With Google Analytics you will improve your results online with real-time. With this information, you will write better content, strengthen your marketing initiatives, and turn visitors into customers. Doing this will make another one of your business resolutions routine.
Resolution: Increase follow-up with your prospects/customers
2) Automatically eMail prospects/customers
Use autoresponders to send canned messages. This will instantly add follow-up to visitors requesting information from you via email and it is automatically delivered to them within seconds! As an added bonus, this will save you hours of time each week. Another one of your business resolutions to add to your weekly task list.
Resolution: Effectively market and advertise
3) Create high-impact emails
It is important as a business owner to create professional-looking email marketing. You can easily and effectively create high-impact emails that are as professional as your business with email marketing software. Email marketing operates in real-time allowing your prospects to respond instantly. A highly effective and useful email will influence prospects to visit your brick-and-mortar location or visit your website to purchase your product or service immediately.
Resolution: Increase online sales
4) Use affiliate marketing
Affiliate marketing allows anyone the opportunity to make money online by promoting various products or programs from other companies. Instead of creating a direct sales team; you can leverage affiliate marketing efforts by promoting other company’s products have them promote yours too.
Resolution: Find and keep new customers
5) Become the expert
Establish your credibility in your market. Blogging will make it easier for your business to be found by your customers as well as others in the industry. High-quality content will cause newspapers, magazines, and other websites to link to your blog. As an expert, you may be invited to speak at conferences, workshops, and seminars.
Get started with savvy online business building and learn how to use these business resolutions for the rest of the year.