Just One Answer Could Turn Your Business Around!
Introducing a “Week of Personal Coaching” Questions and Answer Session With Tonya

Do you have hours to spend struggling to find the EXACT answers you need?
You have questions about driving traffic, search engine optimization (SEO) and online marketing. NOW you don’t have to purchase a product then wait for the Q&A bonus session just to get your questions answered.
I am Tonya R. Taylor, founder of SavvyBizBuilder.com, and I empower business owners with savvy ways to use their WordPress website for marketing to build a BIG ONLINE PRESENCE that doesn’t suck.
I’m known as the “Savvy Online Business Builder” for solo entrepreneurs and small business owners who need more time to focus on running their six figure (or soon to be) business and want fast, proven results ensuring potential customers can find them online. I believe without traffic, what’s the point of having a website to begin with!
Think about this, if you could ask me ANYTHING about free traffic generation, what would it be? Well, write it down because here’s your chance to get a week of personal coaching – that fits any budget! Normally I charge $297 for an hour for personal coaching sessions.
It is common to think you don’t have any questions or don’t know what to ask. So here are 10 questions every business owner needs to answers before they can grow their business:
- How can I tell if my social media is working to get me traffic?
- How do I get people to find my website?
- What is the quickest way to build my list of qualified, targeted leads?
- Should I have different landing pages for different aspects of my business?
- How do I increase my website traffic?
- I am in a small town how do I make my presence known online?
- How many hours/week should I spend on my website to maintain a strong online presence?
- Is using social media a waste of my time?
- Do I need to keep doing SEO?
- What is the ONE thing I can do to get the most traffic?
The possibilities are ENDLESS! You could go the rest of the year without ever searching for answers to your online marketing, driving traffic and SEO questions again!
I’m pleased to announce a very special deal for my coaching program that is very “budget friendly”.
-> One week of coaching for only $97! <-
That’s a savings of $446 each day!
Here’s how it works:
I worked through caller questions for 1.5 HOURS each day! Listen in to the recordings as I coach clients about their specific issues with driving traffic. These questions are common to most entrepreneurs and small business owners.
When You Grab Your Copy, You’ll Receive:
4 LIVE Days 1 1/2 HOUR Q&A BONANZA CALLS on which I answer real life questions from real entrepreneurs like YOU!
6 HOURS of MP3 RECORDINGS with me providing the answers to the biggest questions about driving traffic to your website.

PDF TRANSCRIPTS of each calls audio, so you can read through them again and again, or look up a particular strategy quickly.
You see I am including everything I can to set you up for success!
One Week Of Coaching: Only $97
(Regularly $297 an hour – Save $446 each day)

There are absolutely NO REFUNDS for any reason on this special offer.
Tonya’s virtual Driving Traffic/SEO Q&A session was a phenomenal 4 days! I learned SO much and really got my money’s worth asking questions specific to my business and my website! I also learned so much from the others asking their questions. This is SO-worth the investment!.
Trudy Scott
Food Mood Expert and Nutritionist
I had some questions about how best to repurpose content and create more backlinks to my site. Tonya’s 4 days of Q&A virtual coaching answered my specific questions, but I also learned a lot from her answers to the rest of the group, as well. I have a to-do list that will give me much more mileage from my years of content online. Thanks, Tonya! You more than know your stuff, girl!
Sue Painter
The Confident Marketer