by Tonya R. Taylor
In today’s digital world there is so much content on the internet driving traffic in many directions. Everybody (and I do mean everybody) from TV shows, the local and national news programs, big brands like Pepsi and Nike, athletes: football, baseball, tennis players...
by Tonya R. Taylor
Leaving comments on a blog is one of 12 Ways To Use Your Tribe To Skyrocket Your Traffic in 2012 and Beyond! I mentioned in a blog post to kick off the year. No doubt about it, blog comment marketing has Search Engine Optimization (SEO) benefits for both the blog...
by Tonya R. Taylor
In my blog post 3 Easy Strategies To Drive Traffic To Your Blog Strategy #3 explains why the community you belong to will help you drive website traffic to your blog without even asking. In fact, 2008 Seth Godin wrote a bestselling book called “Tribes”...
by Tonya R. Taylor
One of the first questions I ask my clients who are interested in driving more blog and website traffic is “How often do you review your analytics?” You want to know what they say… Surprisingly, I have found a few small business owners who review their analytics...
by Tonya R. Taylor
No, this is not a joke. I’m serious, when I tell small business owners paying for Facebook “Likes” to drive website traffic is a bad idea. Okay before all the Facebook experts and gurus start yelling at me, blowing up my inbox, leaving comments on my blog, posting on...