by Tonya R. Taylor
I was having a conversation this week with a few marketing professionals; their positions run the gamut from C-level executive, president to volunteer. The group consisted of professionals from corporate America to small (really small) business owners. As the...
by Tonya R. Taylor
Believe it or not we are only one week into the new year and people have already started breaking their resolutions. Have you? Does your list look like this: lose weight exercise drink more water quit smoking earlier to bed drink less pay off credit cards phone mom...
by Tonya R. Taylor
Want social media ROI (return on investment)? Whether it’s Twitter, Facebook and/or LinkedIn follow these five tips to help you measure your social media ROI efforts: 1. Create a strategy 2. Use automation 3. Use cross platform tools 4. Invest in...
by Tonya R. Taylor
Last week I posted a poll question asking “Which social media service do you use the most?” If you have not submitted your answer please do so here, seriously it only takes 2 seconds. The poll closes on July 8th but here are the results so far… According...
by Tonya R. Taylor
When it come to small business reading finding the time while running a business can be tough. However If you’re ready to make yourself known as an expert in your target market you must participate in continued learning and training to help boost your success....