Are you making the time in your business for building an empire? Or are you spending your time watching Empire on TV?
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not judging. We all have our guilty TV pleasures.
In fact, it has to be hard not to have at least a little interest in the record-breaking show Empire on Fox. You can’t turn on the TV, radio, internet, or social media without hearing about this record-breaking show.
According to reports, the first episode was watched by 9.9 million people. The show continues to grow by staggering numbers week after week. Another number that will blow your mind is 366,088. That was how many tweets and social media comments Empire racked up in 60 minutes during the sixth show. To see these and more Empire stats check out Mashable’s infographic.
What I am leading up to is this, I work with small business owners who still have a full-time job while building a business on the side, so they don’t have a lot of time.
The truth is… you have to make the time to build YOUR empire. You have to decide how much time you are going to dedicate to building an empire of your own. And this will include making sacrifices like; staying up late, getting up early, working during lunch, while you commute, or even during your favorite TV show.
If your goal is to supplement your income or replace it with your small business profits then it’s time to make building an empire YOUR priority.
Use these 5 ways to start building an empire in 60 minutes:
1) Reach out to influencers
Building an empire of influencers will be a challenge. Start by creating a list of the top 5 influencers in your industry or niche. Like their Facebook page, follow them on Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and any other social media sites they may be on. Please find a way to build a relationship, interview them for your blog or teleseminar, and be creative.
2) Share your content across many social networks
Just because Facebook may be your social media channel of choice, your target audience may be on other networks. Don’t worry you won’t be sitting in front of the computer all day. Use scheduling tools to help you automate the sharing process on all social networks.
3) Leverage your email subscribers list
If you do not have a list of people who are interested in your products and services it’s time to start building an empire with an irresistible free offer. The goal here is to provide a little taste of what you offer in exchange for an email address that gets them into your sales funnel.
4) Use paid social media promotion
You can’t run a successful business without spending any money. The thing is money buys you speed. The quicker you can generate website traffic that turns into leads the sooner you will increase sales. Buying ads on social media provides an easy way to target your ideal clients.
5) Make content promotion a daily habit
You hear everybody (including me) talking about how important it is to learn how to blog, right? Well, once you have mastered the blogging strategy what do you do with all those blog posts anyway? You use them daily to build an empire by repurposing them for more visibility and exposure.
Listen now that you understand the importance of driving traffic with social media, I invite you to check out my FREE ebook, MedSpa Marketing Secrets Blackbook, so you can get 52 ideas (one for each week) on generating compelling content for all your social media platforms without putting a detailed social media plan in place first.
Grab your copy now –> medspasecretsblackbook.com/