I started “SavvyBizBuilder.com” to provide women owned small businesses with tips on using technology. I see so many women not investing in technology or training for the business or themselves. Having no (or poor) technology doom most who try, and prevent others from even trying. They are constantly working harder not smarter because they are afraid of technology.
Now don’t get me wrong, I am not saying an accountant can try, then, instantly become a database programmer, nor can a commercial real estate trainer morph into a web designer. Even if you aren’t particularly savvy with technology, that doesn’t mean you should be afraid of it.
How many of us knew how to walk, talk or do anything when we were first born? NONE! As we grew from an infant to a toddler we learned you had to crawl before you walk. That same philosophy holds true as an entrepreneur, however when it comes to technology we let 4 of the most dangerous words in the English language stand in our way…
Some entrepreneurs fear of technology, lead them to utter those 4 words (not to be confused with four letter words, that’s another topic!) more often than they realize. As a result, it’s hard and overwhelming to get started.
When was the last time you updated your internet (web) browser software? “I DON‘T KNOW HOW!” Regular software updates can provide better service and quicker service, are crucial to keeping your home office computer or your home office network as secure as possible.
When was the last time you updated your Office templates?“I DON‘T KNOW HOW!” Microsoft offers free templates for work, home, and play. Importing pre-designed templates into Microsoft can save you time and money.
When was the last time you attended technology training from your home or office just using your phone and computer?“I DON‘T KNOW HOW!” WebEx offers free live and recorded webinars and webcasts from industry experts. Principal Financial Group offers free teleclasses for Women, from Leading Experts.
You get my point?
I challenge you to replace 4 of the most dangerous words in the English language with these “I WILL learn how” to use technology to propel my small business to the next level.
Get started with savvy online business building learn how to use your WordPress website and online presence to bring new leads and customers 24-7. Check out my FREE Savvy Online Business Building Starter Kit at www.GrabYourFreeStarterKit.com.
Copyright © 2011 Rising Star Ideas, LLC. All Rights Reserved Worldwide
Great info, I admit there are times I do not know!!!