On a recent trip to Costco I noticed how they promote their free food samples. Instead of simply leaving them out for you to pick up as you pass by shopping; they have a live person available. While you taste, this person will make sure the item is the right temperature, explain what’s in it or how to prepare it and how much it cost helps. As an added bonus in case you love the sample so much you want to purchase at that very moment they have the product conveniently available. You won’t have to search the store for the product because it will be stacked in front of you right near the sample display. PERFECT!
So, why does Costco market their free stuff this way?
Simply because you have to sell free stuff just like paid stuff (Shhh, this is an online marketing secret).
We are in a time where potential customers are savvier than ever, they have choices and know there are tons of freebies available.
Look around at the internet marketing gurus, small businesses, large businesses, home based businesses and solo entrepreneurs (just like Costco) offer free kits, CDs, special reports, videos, audios, ebooks as a way for potential customers to try their product or service before they buy.
However just because it’s free doesn’t mean people want it or know that you have it available. It’s up to you to convince your potential customer they really need your freebie. After all, people buy (even its free) what they want not what they need.
Here’s 7 online marketing secrets to sell your free offer:
1. Speak about your free offer at your local organizations or webinars
2. Do a Youtube video and post it to your website or blog
3. Hold a your own teleseminar or be a guest
4. Write an article for your website or blog
5. Bundle it with other free stuff to form a stronger offer
6. Write a press release for local and national media coverage
7. Promote it on social media Twitter, Linkedin and Facebook
If you have a freebie, it should be part of your online marketing plan. Use 1 or all 7 of the ideas listed to secretly help promote your paid products and services. Don’t forget to make sure in the sample item you have include easy and convenient details like product descriptions, testimonials and links about how to purchase your product or service. Your marketing will generate interest and grow your business.
Have you been looking for savvy tools, tips, and strategies that quickly shift your business forward? Then you’ll want to get yourself the Savvy Online Business Building Starter Kit. It includes everything you need to find and market to your ideal customer online, 7 no-cost tools with proven results and strategies you can implement immediately. Grab your complimentary copy at www.SavvyBizBuilder.com.
Photo courtesy Flickr: Brad Stabler
Copyright © 2011 Rising Star Ideas, LLC. All Rights Reserved Worldwide
Hi Tonya,
Thanks for sharing these points. You are absolutely right, of course, that customers are savvy and value their time as much as their money. So even a free teleseminar requires concentrated marketing.