medical spas
Photo by Marcin Dampc from Pexels

Medical spas: does yours standout?

Did you know there are over 6,500 medical spas in the United States? According to Data Axle Research Database, these medical spas are focused on providing nonsurgical aesthetic medical services under the supervision of a licensed physician. 

Does yours stand out?

While the 6,500 medical spas may not seem like a lot this number is expected to increase to 10,000 by 2023.  Keep in mind these medical spas are your competition. 

So how does a medical spa stand out? 

One of the most important decisions medical spas will make is which medspa specialty to choose. There are many details that contribute to this decision including interest, training, experience, and location of your medical spa. 

So why don’t some medspas have a specialty? 

Maybe a medspa thinks by having a specialty they will miss opportunities to perform many different services.

Maybe a medspa thinks by having a specialty it will limit their growth potential. 

Maybe a medspa thinks by having a specialty it will cause them to turn away business. 

Here’s the top reason behind the importance of a medspa specialty

Patients are not searching for your medical spa (per se) they are searching for a solution from the specialty service a medical spa provides.

By focusing on your medspa specialty you will soon become aware of the particular needs of your patients and how best to provide services for those needs.

Want to know what happens when a medspa has a specialty? 

Easy to let people know what you do –  It becomes easier to directly target the potential patients you wish to reach. This laser focus saves time in researching where to find this target audience. 

Maximize your advertising budget – When you create advertising promotions you will save money.  There is no need to waste your advertising spend on people who are not likely to convert to a client. 

Position you as the expert – Now you can lay the foundation as the expert by creating content around your specialty. Over time this content will bring more credibility and establish your medical spa as the go-to place for this service. 

Choosing a specialty is a difficult decision, but you can make it easier by thinking about what problem you’d like to solve for your patients. Once you decide to take action. Focus all your efforts on building relationships with your target market.

Listen now that you understand the importance of driving traffic with social media, I invite you to check out my FREE ebook, MedSpa Marketing Secrets Blackbook, so you can get 52 ideas (one for each week) on generating compelling content for all your social media platforms without putting a detailed social media plan in place first. 

Grab your copy now –>  medspasecretsblackbook.com/

Medispa Marketing Secrets Blackbook