I’ve been working with business owners both small and large weekly, giving them tips for creating and repurposing content to grow their business. In fact, Angie Zimmerman owner of Zimmerman Floral Designs, one of my one-on-one coaching clients said this just the other day:
After the first call with Tonya I was reminded how important it is to create new blog posts at least twice a week. Tonya gave me a list of 25 potential titles to use which was very helpful for me. That seems to be a big hold up for me, thinking of things to write about…anyway, I wrote about a specific bridal bouquet I had done and used all the key words Tonya suggested. The next thing I knew I had a comment posted. At first I thought it was one of those scams that go around, but something told me to research the post a little further. So I replied and the next thing I knew I was meeting with this bride and her fiancé and now they have booked me to do their wedding flowers next year. Getting a bride from a blog post has NEVER happened before. I am so excited now to create new blog posts, use all my keywords and book more brides! This has opened up a whole new marketing stream for me. Thank you Tonya!”
Just like Angie, the biggest issue with my small business owners and solo-entrepreneur clients, is consistently finding ideas to create content for their WordPress website.
Today I will give you tips on how to be more successful with generating ideas for repurposing content. The tips I share below will help you get past your writer’s block, capitalize on end of the year activities and create content very easily and quickly.
Here are 7 easy ways for repurposing content you already have for creating end of the year blog posts fast
Year in review – take a look at your blog posts from the entire year. Create a new blog post summarizing them with a short paragraph between 30 and 50 words. Then be sure to include a link to each blog post title so your target audience can read the entire blog post.
Top 10 of the year – what were the top 10 events, issues, services, products and/or problems you solved for your clients this year? Create a new blog post providing what was significant, why it was important and how you influenced it.
Most successful post – review your analytics for the most successful post. You will need to define what success means to you. It could include the most opt-ins, most sales, most social media engagement, etc.
Most commented posts – Create a short summary of the post then add the comments with your responses. Be sure to add the commenter’s picture and website if available. If you have not commented then here’s your chance to add a response.
Most socially engaged posts – this one tip is hardly ever used! In the new blog post remind your target audience about the details of the post. Then show off those numbers! List each social media platform with the number of times it was “liked” on Facebook, retweeted “RT” on Twitter, shared on LinkedIn, submitted on Stumbled Upon, “pinned” on Pinterest or “+1’d” on Google+.
My favorite blog post of the year – let your list know which blog post was your favorite of the year and why. Ask them to comment on what they liked and if this post was their favorite too.
End of the year report – Want to produce something a little more meaty? Then this idea is for you! Create an end of the year report using the blog post you have created from the entire year. Give it an amazing headline and BOOM! you now have a fresh new opt-in offer.
If you would like content creation tips or to map out your content marketing plan for the entire 2015 year, let’s chat about how you apply for my private one-on-one content creation made easy program. Grab your spot here for one of my no-cost get acquainted calls NOW!
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