
Reminder to promote your website

If you want to promote your website unfortunately the Yellow Pages is no longer the place to do it. I posted an article on my Facebook Fan Page about how you can now opt out of receiving the yellow pages. I don’t know about you but as soon as I get mine they go straight to the recycle bin. What this says to me is the yellow pages as we know it is on its way out. With that said, now more importantly than ever, if you truly have a business (not a hobby) and want to be found you should have a website.

Your website is the hub for all your business online as well as some offline activity. For some strange reason we forget to promote our website address everywhere possible. Here are seven simple places to promote your website you may have forgotten about:

Promote Your Website

Place 1 – Your car, truck, SUV

You can keep it simple by adding your business information to a car magnet; real estate agents do this all the time. Believe it or not you can brand your car with a small door magnet for as little as $9.99 free. Or you can promote your website a more complex way by having your entire vehicle wrapped, just like you see buses.

Place 2 – Your answering service

When you create your outgoing message in addition to your standard greeting promote your website by telling the caller your website address. Here’s the key don’t just tell them www.blahblahblah give them a strong reason to visit with a strong call to action.

Place 3 – Your book cover

I use my phone’s camera often to take picture notes. When I see a book I may be interested in but not ready to purchase I take a picture of the front cover. I don’t know why, but hardly ever do I see the website address on front cover. For whatever reason they make you search the inside cover or the back cover to find it.

Place 4 – Your bio

When you write your bio for print or for a live introduction, include your website address in the opening sentence. Instead of mentioning your company name you can mention your company name.com.

Place 5 – Your  documents

All business documents you create should have your website address on it. If you are using a tool like Word you can easily create a standard footer with information you want on every page in every document. You just never know where a document you create may end up.

Place 6 – Your email signature

Here’s a chance to promote your website (and just about anything else) with the hundreds of emails you send each day. I use the WiseStamp Email Signature which has so many options you won’t believe its free. You can choose from  adding social media icons to custom banners effortlessly. Unfortunately they don’t support Outlook yet but they say its coming.

Place 7 – Your promotional items

When it comes to promotional items they can range from an ink pen to a sweatshirt and beyond. The bottom line is if the item is big enough it should have your website on it.

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Photo courtesy: microsoft.com

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