Want social media ROI (return on investment)?
Whether it’s Twitter, Facebook and/or LinkedIn follow these five tips to help you measure your social media ROI efforts:
1. Create a strategy
2. Use automation
3. Use cross platform tools
4. Invest in training
5. Track and measure
You can find an overview of all five tips in the original article “Social Media ROI“. This article is part 2 of the 6 part series which will focus on Social Media ROI tip #1 ~ Create A Strategy.
When creating your high-impact social media strategy, maximize your social media ROI with the following:
• set goals that turn your followers, fan and connections into buyers
It does not matter if you have 1, 100, 1000, 10,000 or 1,000,000 Twitter followers, Facebook fans or LinkedIn connections if none of them are listening or purchasing your products and services.
• identify offline and online ways to get found by your ideal prospects
Offline – Because of budget constraints it’s easy to neglect updating your promotional materials to include your Twitter handle, Facebook fan page url or your public LinkedIn profile url. You can accomplish these for free (or very low cost) using a company like Vista Print.
Online – You can easily add your Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn information to the signature line of your email. Or you can copy their provided code to add your Twitter stream to your Facebook page or connect your LinkedIn profile to add status updates directly to Twitter.
• save time by repurposing content
Reuse content from your website, blog and marketing materials to post on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. You can break up your about us section into small pieces of information, visit industry specific websites with good information or create daily or weekly tips or tricks to post on all social networking sites.
• understand how often to tweet, post, and update
It’s about time… How many times does it take a person to see your marketing or advertising message before they buy? Keep in mind the Rule of Seven which states a prospect needs to see or hear your marketing message at least seven times before they take action and buy from you.
• acknowledge remarkable results then repeat the process
If you are driving traffic to a blog or web page make sure you are measuring the results. Google analytics is a great free tool however the statistics are from the previous day. If you need real-time web stats check out Clicky or try bit.ly to measure clicks on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn too!
Before you get started, be sure to add these to your overall marketing plan. Since each social network site is different you need to decide in advance what and how you are going to promote your product or service on each. Make sure you understand the rules on each site because it’s not hard to find someone trying to use Facebook like Twitter or LinkedIn like Twitter though they are totally different tools with clearly defined rules and criteria for providing information to your list.
Stay tuned, this is part 3 of a 6 part series on social media ROI be sure to “Like” my Facebook page so you don’t miss any of this valuable information.
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photo courtesy: TheDesignSuperhero.com
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